Leaving your Be Bold Boudoir Experience & finally seeing that you are in fact one hot momma!
"I found Kim because a girl I know had shared her experience so I started following Kim's BOLD Boudoir Facebook. After years of following along I finally decided to take the plunge. To say I was nervous is an understatement! The whole way to the studio I was trying not to vomit from the nervousness I felt. Hate is a strong word but I can tell you truthfully that I hate my body, I hate everything about it except for my tattoos. I don't even look in the mirror except for when it's necessary just because I loathe the way I look. Getting changed into outfits I would look in this huge mirror and think how could this ever look good. The whole time Kim was telling me how good the pictures looked and I was thinking to myself yea right she has to say things like that. She showed me a picture right off her camera and I was like ok that's not half bad. After the session I went home to wait for the reveal appointment and was second guessing everything. I told her not to heavy edit the photos because I wanted them to look exactly like me. When the hubby and I showed up and she started the slide show I wanted to break down and cry from happiness but I didn't because I didn't want to ruin my beautiful makeup. Kim captured me in a way I never could have imagined. I didn't see myself as a fat whale that belonged at sea world. I was like WOW just freaking WOW. I can say with all honesty that I looked Hot. The only time me and hot are in the same sentence is when I'm having a hot flash. I am walking around with a different view of myself and whenever I feel horrible I'm going to look at these and say Hey, that's you and you are one hot momma. For anyone on the fence, do it! Kim will not only make you feel comfortable and beautiful in your own skin but she will show you that you are beautiful!" -Ms. R